Deckhand is a electronic Logbook developed by Real Time Data. The New Zealand version was developed in partnership with Pinpoint Earth and Fishserve Innovations NZ Limited.
The New Zealand version of Deckhand meets reporting requirements under the Fisheries Reporting Regulations 2017. To enable trips over 24 hours to report on time, Deckhand uses satellite connectivity through a partnership with Pinpoint Earth.
Deckhand requires a cellular-enabled iPad and solar VMS (vessel monitoring system). It is primarily used by inshore fishing vessels that undertake trips from 1-5 days.
Annual application licensing and support costs $995 (plus GST). This excludes the costs of data transmitted through the satellite connection.
Data fees are charged separately by Pinpoint Earth.
Support for Deckhand is available through the Fishserve Customer Support Team via phone 04 460 9555 or email
Support for the Solar VMS is provided by Pinpoint Earth.
Ka tautoko i ngā kaihao ki te whāngi i te ao hei ngā reanga hare rake nei