Tā Mātou Rautaki.

Our Strategy

Rock hole


Serving the seafood sector and government since 1999, Fishserve is building on our long history and deep understanding of the industry. Our strategic direction, revised in 2022, provides the sound basis to deliver further value to support the sector and to help better meet its needs to achieve a more sustainable fisheries industry for all.

Our Vision

Supporting fishers to feed the world for generations to come

Our Purpose

Enabling successful and sustainable fisheries through smart information services

Ko Tā Mātou Tirohanga Whakamua

Ka tautoko i ngā kaihao ki te whāngi i tea o hei ngā reanga hare rake nei

Ko Tō Mātou Kaupapa

Mā ngā ratonga pārongo koi e angitū ai, e toitū ai te haronga ika

Fishserve’s strategy is to use our existing system, data and channels to deliver greater value to the sector through creation of tools and insights that support sustainable decision-making across Aotearoa New Zealand’s fisheries.

Fishserve strives to become a business that not only maintains the sound and stable delivery of statutory services, but that also produces relevant information that contributes to more sustainable fisheries management. 

Fisherman with fishing net

Fishserve is committed to partnering with Māori and to apply a Te Ao Māori view to the delivery of its strategy. As a first step Fishserve translated its strategy into Te Reo.

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Terms & Conditions© Fishserve 2024