Ngā Here.


Fishing boat moored in morning

Commercial Fishing Reporting Obligations

The Fisheries Act sets out significant obligations on Commercial Fishers. In addition to the steps set out in Getting Started, the following information summarises reporting obligations. Industry bodies, such as Seafood New Zealand and the different sector councils have extensive advice for commercial fishers on other obligations, including best practice guidance.  

  1. All Commercial Fishers are required to have a GPR device and for that device to be turned on during fishing trips. Fisheries New Zealand maintains a 10 minute GPR record for all fishing vessel from when they leave port.

  2. All Commercial Fishers are required to submit electronic catch reports for every fishing event.

  3. Permit holders are required to submit Monthly Harvest Returns (MHR’s) that balance catch with ACE available. If the catch is more than the ACE available, then the government charges “Deemed values” for extra fish caught.

  4. Under the Wildlife Act and the Marine Mammals Protection Act all fishers are obliged to report any significant interactions with non-fish and protected species. This can be done at the same time as catch reporting using an elogbook.

Glossary of Terms.

Frequently used terms and acronyms in Fisheries Management.

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