Ngā Rauemi Hī.
Fishserve has been operating for over 25 years to administer the Quota Management System. We support Fishers to comply with reporting and other regulations through our online Fisheries Management System (Fishserve Website).
Before becoming a commercial fisher in Aotearoa New Zealand, you need to be aware of how the Quota Management System works and your legal obligations under the Fisheries Act 1996.
Understand how the Quota Management System works.
Things to consider if you are thinking of becoming a commercial fisher in New Zealand
A set of Fishserve client forms can be found here.
The Fisheries Act sets out significant obligations on Commercial Fishers.
In addition to the operating costs associated with harvesting fish, the Fisheries Act includes the recovery of costs for administering the QMS.
All fishers need to land their catch to a licensed fish receiver (LFR). This provides a check against the catch reports and confirms the volume of wild fish landed.
All fishers in New Zealand must report their catch data through an elogbook that meets the specifications set out in the Fisheries (Reporting) Regulations 2017.
Use the Find tools to source information from the Fishing and Vessel Permit Registers and stock and species codes.
Use the calculators to work out conversions for green weights, ACE and Quota, and to calculate deemed value.
In 2023 the government brought in new disposal rules for commercial fishing. Fishserve has created Fisheries Management Area guides to support Fishers to understand and comply with these rules.
Frequently used terms and acronyms in Fisheries Management.
Ka tautoko i ngā kaihao ki te whāngi i te ao hei ngā reanga hare rake nei